Iceland Design Awards
Reykjavík, Iceland
The Icelandic Design Awards honour and shed light on the importance and quality of design and architecture, emphasising the impact on quality of life, value creation and sustainability for society. The Awards focus on the best that is done in the field of design and architecture in Iceland, while important recognition is given to individual designers or groups of designers.
Gagarin was asked to design an exhibition communicating the Iceland Design Awards 2023 results.
The goal was to design a flexible system independent of space and offer different media options to display artefacts, images, videos, and text.
The concept draws inspiration from the award's coherent form. Thus, each category would be coherent to make the prized works most enjoyable.
Gagarin worked in close collaboration with Járnsmiðja Óðins, which produces various steel utility products for homes, companies, and institutions and has been a partner of Gagarín for many years.
Photos: Miðstöð hönnunar og arkitektúrs / Aldís Pálsdóttir

Site visit at Járnsmiðja Óðins.