Back to Hofsstaðir Exhibition
Garðabær, Iceland
The Hofsstaðir Archaeological Site in Gardabær has officially opened its gates to the public. Archaeological excavation at this site commenced in 1994 and revealed relics from the Settlement era of Iceland. A new exhibition, designed by Gagarín, now greets visitors in Gardabaer Municipality. This immersive experience incorporates educational signs, interactive VR binoculars, and a "grinding stone station," offering an innovative glimpse into the past.
In addition to the exhibition, Gagarín designed a website about the history of the settlement longhouse, the building structure, the people who lived there and their culture. Gagarin made layered drawings that visually explain the building technique and the interior design while giving a glimpse into the people's daily lives.
The exhibition was designed in collaboration with Katla Maríudóttur (Architect) and Hildiberg (Light Design).

Illustrations by Gagarin.
Work in progress: Gagarin transformed an unused public space into a small exhibition venue.