Arctic Opposites
Rovaniemi, Finland
The renewed permanent exhibition Arctic Opposites at the Arktikum science centre opens 6th December 2024. Spreading around the North Pole, the Arctic is one of the most fascinating regions in the world. In the permanent Science Centre exhibition, this region of opposites can be experienced and studied both from above and within.
Gagarin in collaboration with Motor designed and developed two installations for the new exhibition.
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Create your own snowflake
In the snowflake area, visitors can design their snowflakes by using humidity and temperature as input. When finished they get to release their snowflake on a large projection wall where it dissolves in the endless falling snow on the wall.

Through the snowflake simulator the visitor can create 22 different snowflakes by changing the humidity and temperature.

Concept sketches of the two installations made by Gagarin and Motor.

Animal tracks
In the second installation, visitors get to guess the animal’s tracks by choosing a figure. Aimed at children, the installation encourages them to find the right answer by giving hints towards the correct animal.
We are thrilled to bring the dynamic and contrasting elements of the Arctic to life through our interactive installation. The Gagarin team

About Arctic Opposites
The renewed permanent exhibition Arctic Opposites at the Arktikum science centre opens in December 2024. Spreading around the North Pole, the Arctic is one of the most fascinating regions in the world. In the permanent Science Centre exhibition, this region of opposites can be experienced and studied both from above and within.
Arctic life has adjusted to strong seasonal variation. The amount of sunlight, temperature and nutrient availability vary drastically with the seasons.
Arctic Opposites is the science-based exhibition of the Arctic Centre at the University of Lapland. The exhibition takes you from the dark polar nights and freezing cold to a summer full of light, colours and sounds.
The exhibition has five main themes: The Arctic, Cryosphere, Eight Seasons, Living Arctic and Exploring the Arctic.
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